Anton Bruckner, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg Solti - Symphonie Nr5 B Dur

Download Anton Bruckner, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg Solti - Symphonie Nr5 B Dur
Artist: Anton Bruckner, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg Solti
Album: Symphonie Nr5 B Dur



Review by Jessi Trafton

Symphonie Nr5 B Dur by Anton Bruckner, performed by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and conducted by Georg Solti, is a remarkable rendition of one of Bruckner's most celebrated works. The album is a testament to the exceptional talent of the musicians involved, who bring to life the intricate and powerful composition with a masterful touch.

The album begins with the first movement, which is marked by a dynamic and intense energy that sets the tone for the entire symphony. The orchestra's performance is flawless, with each section contributing to the overall impact of the piece. The second movement is a beautiful, slow section that showcases the orchestra's ability to convey emotion and depth through their playing.

The third movement is a lively Scherzo that is characterized by its rhythmic complexity and dynamic shifts. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Georg Solti handle this section with ease, delivering a performance that is both precise and energetic. The final movement is a triumphant conclusion to the symphony, with the orchestra delivering a powerful and satisfying finish.

Table of Contents


Symphonie Nr. 5 B-dur
4. Finale: Adagio23:55
1. Introduktion: Adagio20:13
2. Adagio: Sehr Langsam21:31
3. Scherzo: Molto Vivace (Schnell)13:24


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Catalog Numbers

6.35562 FA, 6.35 562-1, 6.35 562-2



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Copyright (c)TELDEC »Telefunken-Decca« Schallplatten GmbH


Composed ByAnton Bruckner
ConductorSir Georg Solti
OrchestraChicago Symphony Orchestra
Photography ByKarin Foerster
Sleeve NotesWolf-Eberhard von Lewinski



About Anton Bruckner, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg Solti

ladda ner album Anton Bruckner, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg Solti - Symphonie Nr5 B DurAlbum herunterladen Anton Bruckner, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg Solti - Symphonie Nr5 B Durbaixar álbum Anton Bruckner, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg Solti - Symphonie Nr5 B Durdescargar álbum Anton Bruckner, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg Solti - Symphonie Nr5 B Durtélécharger l'album Anton Bruckner, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg Solti - Symphonie Nr5 B Durlast ned album Anton Bruckner, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Georg Solti - Symphonie Nr5 B Dur
Austrian organist and composer, born September 4, 1824, in Ansfelden, died October 11, 1896, in Vienna. In 1855 he began to seriously study music in Vienna and graduated in 1861 at the age of 37. It was only at 40 that he began to devote himself seriously to composition. since 1868 he has taught organ and counterpoint at the conservatory of Wien, meanwhile, he makes himself known as an organ concert player. His work was initially appreciated only by a small circle of admirers, only after his death, his great symphonic-choral compositions began to find acclaim and enthusiastic admirers in Europe and around the world. Josef Anton Bruckner best known for his symphonies, masses, Te Deum and motets. His symphonies are considered emblematic of the final stage of Austro-German Romanticism because of their rich harmonic language, strongly polyphonic character, and considerable length. Bruckner's compositions helped to define contemporary musical radicalism, owing to their dissonances, unprepared modulations, and roving harmonies. Please, add composer revision year for Symphonies 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8. Please, add score revision credit with tag "Score Editor" on all symphonies. If it is uncredited you can check your recording at More common score editors are by and (here, please, also add score year).

Real Name

    • Josef Anton Bruckner

Name Vars

  • A. Bruckner
  • A. Brukners
  • A. Brückner
  • A. bruckner
  • A.Bruckner
  • Anton Brucker
  • Anton Brückner
  • Antón Bruckner
  • Bruchner
  • Bruckner
  • Bruckner A.
  • Bruckner Anton
  • Brückner
  • Handel
  • Josef Anton Bruckner
  • Joseph Anton Bruckner
  • Orchestre De La Francophonie Canadienne
  • Μπρούκνερ
  • А. Bruckner
  • А. Брукнер
  • Антон Брукнер
  • Брукнер
  • Йозеф Антон Брукнер
  • ÖëïÊü

Summary by Jessi Trafton

Symphonie Nr5 B Dur is a stunning album that showcases the exceptional talent of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Georg Solti. The musicians' ability to convey emotion and depth through their playing is truly remarkable, and the album is a testament to the enduring power of Bruckner's compositions. Fans of classical music will surely appreciate this exceptional rendition of one of Bruckner's most celebrated works.

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